Family care package enables you and your family to receive medical attention at your convenience Each member is given a car...
School medical examinations @40,000ugx General examination Visual acuity, Dental check, ENT, Malaria, Typhoid Urinalysis, P...
6 booked specialist visits i.e. 4 Gyn 2 midwife Full ANC screening on the first visit Iron sulfate/folic acid throughout pr...
Packages categories Basic wellness- UGX 80,000 Comprehensive wellness-UGX 600,000 Essential wellness- UGX 350,000 Lifestyle...
General physical examination and evaluation BP and BMI, Breast examination, Mental status evaluation, Smoking history risk...
Lipid profile Fasting blood sugars ECG Liver function test Renal function test Urinalysis CBC HIV ELIZA General physical ex...
Oral polio vaccine BCG Rota vaccine Injectable polio DPT Hep B vaccine Measles vaccine Yellow fever Hepatitis vaccine Teta...
Package covers the following @ 100,000 General screening and examination HCG Hepatitis B screening Typhoid Urinalysis HIV (...